Creative Director + Photographer
Where are you spending the holidays and who are you celebrating with?
Usually I’m celebrating with my family in the midwest, but this year I think I’ll probably be in Europe with my boyfriend.
What does “just enough” look like for you this holiday season?
I’d say, especially this year and last year, I really had to let go of the expectations that the holidays bring. Always being expected to travel all the way to the midwest from California to be with my family, and bringing gifts, and the whole thing. And I love doing that, I really do, but I think I’m really trying to embrace being at peace during the holiday season and really relaxing and taking the time to show my love to my family in as many ways as I can, if I can’t be with them. And just being enough by letting them know that I love them and that I’m there.
What’s your ideal holiday celebration scenario?
My ideal holiday celebration scenario… just everybody together. My whole family, my grandparents, my cousins, their new kids. Everybody together cooking - at grandma’s house ideally. Just being able to be all together with family and unplugged from the outside world. It really feels like that day is lasting forever, when we all get to come together and just talk and catch up and feel that love of family. That’s my perfect ideal holiday situation.
What’s the one thing that you absolutely have to do for it to feel like the holidays?
One tradition that we absolutely have to do for it to feel like the holidays is bake. I feel like without baking and making fun things it just doesn’t feel like the holidays. I love to make cookies and pies. My sister is better at baking than I am, but I like to do it all together. And then we always knit - my sisters and I will always knit. So, I’ll see how that’s gonna feel this year. Not sure if iI can get my boyfriend to knit with me, but he’ll bake. I’m sure we’ll bake.
Can you tell us about your most vivid childhood holiday memory?
My most vivid holiday memory is being in my grandmother’s living room with all of my cousins on her red plush furry carpet - so hideous, but also the best thing ever when you’re a was like fire red - and watching Snoopy Christmas. That was the pinnacle of childhood Christmas, with all the aunts and uncles, a really warm house, snow outside, grandma. Everybody is there, food, and tons of presents, and being young and playing, and running through grandma’s huge house and sledding outside. That to me felt so warm and I’ll always want that.
Do you have any unusual or quirky holiday traditions?
I think our quirkiest holiday tradition for Christmas is that my mom will literally decorate the whole house on Christmas Eve - and so she’ll wait to really do it up until Christmas Eve. Usually she’ll put a million teddy bears all up the stairs, and lights everywhere, and she fills all the stockings and puts them all over the couch because there’s too many to hang anywhere, so she just puts out all of the food and everything and we wake up and it’s so crazy. So that, and also the knitting. We just love to knit on Christmas eve, so that’s pretty quirky. But it’s really fun and cute.
What holiday movie do you watch on repeat?
We love watching Little Women every Christmas. My sisters and I love that movie - there’s five girls in my family so we really relate to the little women. The original Little Women though, the 1994 with Winona Ryder. That one just really mirrors our life and our love for each other as sisters.
Any final thoughts or parting words?
I challenge everyone to help someone this holiday season. To donate to give a gift to someone you don’t know, but you’ve seen and you know that they might need it. To go out of your way to help a stranger, pay for someone’s meal. Things like that - just little things to make the holidays a little bit better for the people around us that we don’t even know.
Credits: Photography courtesy of Hannah Faith Lord