Sabrina Fazai

Sabrina Fazai

Creator + Photographer

Sabrina Fazai wearing the Whipped A-Top in Moon Metallic

Whipped A-Top in Moon Metallic

Where are you spending the holidays and who are you celebrating with?

This year I’ll be in Miami for the holidays and I’m looking forward to spending time with my dad and my best friends – oh, and my cat. Always my cat.

Sabrina Fazai wearing the Whipped Boy Short in Moon MetallicSabrina Fazai wearing the Whipped A-Top in Moon Metallic

Whipped Boy Short in Moon Metallic, Whipped A-Top in Moon Metallic, Whipped Cardi in Moon Metallic

What does “just enough” look like for you this holiday season?

My idea of just enough this holiday season is all about being present when I’m around my loved ones. Just being here and now and not so much focused on the past or in the future. Just really being present and enjoying the moment. I think that’s what’s enough.”

Sabrina Fazai wearing the Cotton Bralette in White

Cotton Bralette in White

What’s your ideal holiday celebration scenario?

If I’m being honest, every time the holidays come up, especially in December and January, I kind of wish that I were somewhere cold. My ideal scenario for the holidays would be being in France with my family – even though it gets pretty cold, pretty grey, for the holidays it feels like it goes with the mood.

Sabrina Fazai wearing the Whipped Boy Short in Moon Metallic

Whipped Boy Short in Moon Metallic

What’s the one thing that you absolutely have to do for it to feel like the holidays?

The one thing that I have to do during the holidays is absolutely bake and cook on repeat. Try new recipes, fail them, and try them again. And honestly, just enjoy it all.

Sabrina Fazai wearing the Whipped A-Top in Moon MetallicSabrina Fazai wearing the Whipped Cardi in Moon Metallic

Whipped A-Top in Moon Metallic, Whipped Cardi in Moon Metallic

Can you tell us about your most vivid childhood holiday memory?

One of my favorite Christmases, probably the most memorable, was when I was about 7 or 8 still living in California and a few of my cousins from France were visiting. I was the oldest of the bunch at that time, and I remember seeing my uncle dress up as Santa and of course being the oldest you had to keep it to yourself and not ruin it for everyone else. But, I remember really enjoying having them there with us from France.

Sabrina Fazai wearing the Whipped A-Top in Moon Metallic and Whipped Cardi in Moon Metallic

Whipped A-Top in Moon Metallic, Whipped Cardi in Moon Metallic

Do you have any unusual or quirky holiday traditions?

I don’t feel like I have any unusual traditions, but this year I’d like to make some Tunisian dishes and share them with my community. Even just knocking on my neighbor’s door and getting to know my people a bit more and show them some love through food.

Sabrina Fazai wearing the Cotton Bralette in White and Whipped Boy Short in Moon Metallic

Cotton Bralette in White, Whipped Boy Short in Moon Metallic

What holiday movie do you watch on repeat?

Another memory from that Christmas with my cousins in California when I was 7 or 8 is watching Home Alone. So now, every single time I watch that movie I just think of them. And now that I think about it, I feel old!

Credits: Photography courtesy of Sabrina Fazai

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